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This function allows you to list the list of available providers of the geoidep package.


get_data_sources(query = NULL)



A string. Default is NULL. List of available providers. For more details, use the `get_providers` function.


A tibble object.


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 73 × 7
#>    provider  category      layer       layer_can_be_actived admin_en year  link 
#>    <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <lgl>                <chr>    <chr> <chr>
#>  1 INEI      General       departamen… TRUE                 Nationa… 2019  http…
#>  2 INEI      General       provincia   TRUE                 Nationa… 2019  http…
#>  3 INEI      General       distritos   TRUE                 Nationa… 2019  http…
#>  4 Midagri   Agriculture   vegetation… TRUE                 Ministr… 2018  http…
#>  5 Midagri   Agriculture   agricultur… TRUE                 Ministr… 2024  http…
#>  6 Midagri   Agriculture   oil_palm_a… TRUE                 Ministr… 2016… http…
#>  7 Midagri   Institucional experiment… TRUE                 Ministr… 2024  http…
#>  8 Geobosque Forest        stock_bosq… FALSE                Ministr… 2001… http…
#>  9 Geobosque Forest        stock_bosq… TRUE                 Ministr… 2001… http…
#> 10 Geobosque Forest        stock_bosq… TRUE                 Ministr… 2001… http…
#> # ℹ 63 more rows
# }