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This function allows you to download the ubigeos corresponding to the official political division of the district, province or region boundaries of Peru with forest and loss information. For more information, you can visit the following website: Geobosque Platform


get_forest_loss_data(layer = NULL, ubigeo = NULL, show_progress = TRUE)



A string.Specifies one of the following available layers; stock_bosque_perdida_distrito, stock_bosque_perdida_provincia, stock_bosque_perdida_departamento.


A string Specifies the unique geographical code of interest.


Logical. Indicates whether to display the progress bar.


A tibble object.


Available layers are:

  • stock_bosque_perdida_distrito: Returns data on forest stock, forest loss, rank loss for a given district.

  • stock_bosque_perdida_provincia: Returns data on forest stock, forest loss, rank loss for a given province.

  • stock_bosque_perdida_departamento: Returns data on forest stock, forest loss, rank loss for a given region.


# \donttest{
geobosque <- get_forest_loss_data(
    layer = "stock_bosque_perdida_distrito",
    ubigeo = "010101",
    show_progress = FALSE)
#>   anio perdida rango1 rango2 rango3 rango4 rango5 tipobosque ubigeo
#> 1 2001    0.54      0      0      0      0   0.54          1 010101
#> 2 2002    0.00      0      0      0      0   0.00          1 010101
#> 3 2003    1.53      0      0      0      0   1.53          1 010101
#> 4 2004    0.00      0      0      0      0   0.00          1 010101
#> 5 2005    1.26      0      0      0      0   1.26          1 010101
#> 6 2006    1.53      0      0      0      0   1.53          1 010101
# }