This function allows you to download the latest version of data available on the MTC geoportal. For more information, you can visit the following web page: MTC Geoportal
- layer
Select only one from the list of available layers, for more information please use `get_data_sources(provider = "mtc")`. Defaults to NULL.
- dsn
Character. Output filename with the spatial format. If missing, a temporary file is created.
- show_progress
Logical. Suppress bar progress.
- quiet
Logical. Suppress info message.
- timeout
Seconds. Number of seconds to wait for a response until giving up. Cannot be less than 1 ms. Default is 60.
# \donttest{
aerodromo <- get_mtc_data(layer = "aerodromos_2023" , show_progress = FALSE)
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -76.4666 ymin: -16.34061 xmax: -71.57079 ymax: -2.796108
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> gml_id id codaero
#> 1 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-1494 4 0321ANS
#> 2 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-1493 5 1642ADS
#> 3 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-1492 6 1643ADS
#> 4 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-1491 7 0411AQP
#> 5 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-1490 8 2532ATY
#> 6 pe_mtc_018_aerodromos_dic23.fid-790c3f0c_1958dd07794_-148f 9 0521AYP
#> tipo nombre
#> 1 Aeropuerto Andahuaylas
#> 2 Aeródromo Andoas
#> 3 Helipuerto de superficie Andoas
#> 4 Aeropuerto Internacional Alfredo Rodríguez Ballon
#> 5 Aeródromo Atalaya
#> 6 Aeropuerto Crnl. FAP. Alfredo Mendivil
#> label iddpto feccorte
#> 1 Aeropuerto Andahuaylas 03 31/12/2023
#> 2 Aeródromo Andoas 16 31/12/2023
#> 3 Helipuerto Andoas 16 31/12/2023
#> 4 Aeropuerto Internacional Alfredo Rodríguez Ballon 04 31/12/2023
#> 5 Aeródromo Atalaya 25 31/12/2023
#> 6 Aeropuerto Crnl. FAP. Alfredo Mendivil 05 31/12/2023
#> administ jerarquia
#> 1 CORPAC S.A. Nacional
#> 2 Pacific Stratus Energy del Perú S.A. No aplica privados
#> 3 Pacific Stratus Energy del Perú S.A. No aplica privados
#> 4 Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú S.A. Nacional
#> 5 CORPAC S.A. Regional
#> 6 Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú S.A. Nacional
#> titular estado lat lon
#> 1 Pública (Concesionada-No entregada) Operativo -13.708819 -73.35156
#> 2 Privada Operativo -2.796108 -76.46660
#> 3 Privada Operativo -2.799990 -76.45873
#> 4 Pública (Concesionada) Operativo -16.340611 -71.57079
#> 5 Pública Operativo -10.728572 -73.76589
#> 6 Pública (Concesionada) Operativo -13.154836 -74.20442
#> geom
#> 1 POINT (-73.35156 -13.70882)
#> 2 POINT (-76.4666 -2.796108)
#> 3 POINT (-76.45873 -2.79999)
#> 4 POINT (-71.57079 -16.34061)
#> 5 POINT (-73.76589 -10.72857)
#> 6 POINT (-74.20442 -13.15484)
# }